My Bricks Farm

Farm themed inquiry.

The Kit.


Year 0-3 students: Develop vocabulary, build stories, focus on key words and introduce basic Te Reo Māori sentence structures using Countdown Bricks Farm, tokens, dice, task cards and key vocab cards.

Curriculum Areas: English, Maths, Social Science

Key Concepts: Farming, Vocabulary, Storytelling, Building sentences, Te Reo Māori


Kit Patron: Countdown

Classroom availability: 1000 Classrooms

Number of students to reach: 32,000

Availability: Registrations Full

“The children loved building with the bricks and a lot of imaginative play came from it. A huge amount of oral language development happened as children played with the equipment. Building was challenging at times which taught lots of resilience, problem solving, making/remaking, and collaboration.”


What people are saying.


Hours of discussion

“This kit was enjoyed by the whole school and continues to be enjoyed. From the intrigue of finding out what was in their package to building and playing with this The conversations and imaginary play the kit encouraged have created many hours of discussion for the children. This kit was total fun.”

Engaging for all

“My favourite kit so far. Students who normally struggle to maintain focus or participate in whole class activities were focused and engaged. Having the opportunity to incorporate Te Reo Māori in a purposeful way was also appreciated.”


Your Physical Kit

Our kits are beautiful, physical, tangible, tactile things (with digital components built in). They are designed to be used and transformed by students into learning keepsakes. The Bricks Farm Kit comes with a complete set of Countdown’s Bricks Farm. If you register for the Countdown Bricks kit then you’ll also be granted access to a private kit page within our network where you’ll be able to access prompt support from a member of our School Kit Team to ensure your teaching experience is awesome.

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